In: ConstructionNews

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction partnered with Health Canada to produce a collection of resources to help reduce the harms of substance use for Canadians working in construction and the trades.
The Substance Use and the Workplace: Supporting Employers and Employees in the Trades collection contains links from more than 30 organizations: “The Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms: 2007–2014 report estimates that lost productivity to businesses attributable to substance use in 2014 was $15.7 billion dollars. With the recent legalization of cannabis, many employers are re-examining their policies and best practices related to substance use and fitness for duty/impairment more broadly to ensure that they are comprehensive and effective,” says the CCSA.

This collection of resources is aimed at helping employers address employee substance use, particularly among young men working in the trades. Employers can find ready-to-use resources from more than 30 organizations to learn how to reduce risks related to substances and substance use disorder, and to support workplace health and safety.

The toolkit includes resources to help educate employees about substances and their effects, prevent substance use harms, address employee substance use, and access related information from key reports and organizations.

Included among the resources are four new CCSA posters. Designed to be printed and shared, they provide accessible information on the opioid overdose crisis and ways to address it:

For more information, visit: 

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