The federal government recently announced over $60 million to build 204 purpose-built rental homes across two projects in Kingston and Peterborough. The announcement was made on November 17, 2023, at the 11 Wright Crescent project by Mark Gerretsen, Member[...]

Read More about Federal government announces more than $60 million in funding for new rental homes in Ontario

According to new research from The Conference Board of Canada, immigration programs can help address labour shortages in the residential construction sector and support Canada reaching its residential construction goals. The research was done in collaboration with[...]

Read More about Canada’s Current Immigration Plans Can Help Address Labour Shortages in Residential Construction Sector: Study

A recent investigation, carried out by Altus Group Economic Consulting and sponsored by the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) on behalf of the professional renovation sector, reveals that the procedural delays and inefficiencies[...]

Read More about Toronto’s Committee of Adjustment Process Contributes to Delays and Added Expenses in Home Renovations and Infill Housing Construction

Canada’s construction sector continues to perform at an elevated level following the COVID-19 pandemic. Strong levels of investments by governments across the country have helped to stimulate the economy, demand for housing remains high, and[...]

Read More about Short-term contractions may ease some labour market challenges, but Canada’s construction industry is poised for further growth through 2032
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